Petri Nuutinen is an artist who has worked widely in visual art field.
He has worked as artist, graphic designer, photojournalist, picture editor, print maker and teacher of photojournalism and graphic design.

Petri Nuutinen has photographed landscapes, places, interiors, surroundings. In his art projects he has mixed documentary and conceptual methods together.
In latest projects he has combined several shots to one final work. Hand made printing with pigment colors on gesso painted aluminum surface makes the results look more like sculptures. Back to roots of early photography with modern methods, digital camera and computer.  

Two books has been published of his photographs: Paikkoja/Places 1993 (Finnish & English) and Paikkoja/Steder/Luoghi/Places (Tampere/Bergen/Firenze) 2003 (Finnish, Italian & English).
He has had several solo exhibitions and participated in many group exhibitions in Finland and abroad.


Petri Nuutinen has made collaboration with photographer Marja Pirilä in many Camera Obscura projects.

Artist-in-residence April 2015