Charlotte inuk

Writer | Denmark

Charlotte Inuk, Danish writer/novelist.  I was born 1965 in Århus, and grew up in Århus and on Fyen, but with my most formative and important childhood years in Nuuk (Greenland). I had my two first novels Maria Mia and Mona Måneskinsdatter published in 1982 and quit school immediately at the signing of the contracts to go out in the big wide world and write full time. Did so in Paris, London, Rome, Berlin and in the south of Portugal before the stays in Copenhagen in between got so long that they could be called home. The last couple of years I spend most of my time on the tiny (and very magic) Danish island of Strynoe, with my life companion and our 10-year-old son. 


I published 15 novels (latest Store Dyr, Tiderne Skifter forlag 1018), numerous short stories and a few children´s books. My latest novel, a kind of queer family saga Vi, bastarderne is under publication, and I applied for a stay at the Circolo House to find the peace and inspiration to get started on the blank white page 1 of a whole new story. What better place to do so?! I am very thankful, and excited! ️